Grady Rehab
The Grady Rehab team is uniting to challenge ourselves and raise funds for our favorite cause: Grady!
Our goal is to raise $2,500 as a team.
Grady is dear to our hearts and souls. We value what the organization does for each of our patients and our community.
We see people on some of the hardest, most challenging moments of their lives and they choose to SHOW UP for themselves and their recovery.
Grady Rehab has the humbling privilege to help patients from the beginning of their journey to the moment they experience triumph and joy again for the first time after tragedy.
We are grateful for Grady, we are grateful for our patients, and we are forever touched, changed, and inspired by their drive and spirit to achieve, embrace and overcome the impossible!
Our team helps empower patients by giving them their voice back, their autonomy and the strength to move forward! We are humbled, driven, passionate and most of all inspired by Grady and the people we get to serve.
Please help us achieve the most for our patients by donating to our team. We are challenging ourselves and showing up for our patients, team, organization and community! Help us keep the Grady mission moving forward! Let's move for Grady!